The Gardener took her first trip to the NICU on Friday evening. Little Isaiah had a good, "stable" 24 hours.
The NICU was just as TG thought it would be, including all the tubes and machines baby Isaiah has. The tubes are teeny tiny - straight pin tiny.
Amy was yesterday's nurse and she was busy, busy, busy tending to Isaiah who wiggles and wiggles when he hears Ro Ro's voice. Out would pop a leg, out would pop an arm and then that arm would look like it was going to pull a tube out and Amy would tuck it back in. She did this over and over and over. Amy reminded TG of the very sweet Las Vegas Jane which was comforting.
It's still one day at a time on this little guy but as TG has told Ro Ro all along - THIS BABY IS A MIRACLE! He continues to be and still needs your prayers, so keep them coming.