Birdman is still in PICU at the best children's hospital in town. It has been over three weeks since surgery and he's
finally off the vent - WOO HOO! When the vent goes, apparently so does a lot of other stuff because he's down from nine IV drips to just one, still has the feeding tube and something else The Gardener is unsure of. Fingers crossed he continues to progress well.
Birdman is a hoot - when TGa goes to the PICU to visit and says very high pitched "Hi Birdie!" he starts to wiggle and get excited; he knows the voice. Last night when RoRo got about knowing a voice! He must have also known that Mom would finally be able to hold him last night for the first time in weeks. It was so precious. When TGa left, Birdie was snuggled into RoRo's arms. They looked like they could stay that way all night.
The RoRo/JJ/Karate Kid/Birdie family appreciates everyone's prayers, and so do TG&TG.

Birdie on May 21st.

Birdie last night...."Mommy finally gets to hold me again - the first time in weeks!"