Wednesday, March 11, 2009

BAM - Heavy Hearts

Birdman is still hospitalized and struggling. After many tests, the doctors confirmed he has a common cold. A common cold in a little boy that is so sick is very serious. When TG&TG visited two nights ago, Birdman was gasping for air and his eyes were rolling in the back of his head while he struggled for breaths. His monitor was sounding quite a bit and the nurses were excellent in getting him comforted and stable, and they upped his oxygen.

Today a lung x-ray was done as he seems to not be getting better (no news from the x-ray yet). Birdman was not stable enough to go down to have it done, so the nurses had a machine brought up to his room. Birdman also had to have a feeding tube reinserted today...RoRo is very disappointed. It seems the past week has been much of the same, steps backward. He's receiving excellent care and will hopefully soon be moving in the other direction. Both TG&TG have managed to get sore throats and the funk again, so we're off limits from another visit until we're better.

Please continue your prayers for Birdman - he needs them. So does Shawndra Turner who has been mentioned previously on this blog. She's a young mother with terminal colorectal cancer and her feeding tubes and IVs have been removed; she's in the last stages of a battle she's fought with dignity, grace, laughter and faith. Through her writings and her courage she's inspired so many people.

Such heavy news but there is a hilarious story out of this household about attempts for a new ISP, which was all about wireless internet. Faithful readers of this blog know that anything in this house that involves TV/internet always involves drama....yes, another ordinary adventure to share next time we post.

Last but not least - CONGRATS to Sylvie for finishing the screenplay!!!!! Now it's on to selling it. We're getting close to wearing our Oscar gowns, Sylv!


Shannon said...

Shawndra and Baby Birdman are in our prayers. Please let us know if you need anything.

miss v said...

you goin' wireless!?