Saturday, September 20, 2008

BAM - Four, Four, Four, Four

The Gardener was just tagged with a Four, Four, Four, Four goes!

Four places that I go: Work, Costco, Whole Foods, The Arboretum and Botanical Gardens
Four people who e-mail me: Sylvie, Eb, Mrs. Laney, Mom and Dad
Four of my favorite places to eat: Jun's (sushi), Kanki (in Raleigh), Garozzo's (Italian), Cactus Grill
Four places I would rather be right now? Paris, Hawaii, asleep (check out the time of this posting), at a cabin in Colorado (see next post!)
Four TV shows I watch: Good Morning America, Divine Design, CNN (whatever is on), John and Kate Plus Eight

1 comment:

Sylvie said...

You & Mistletoe have the same tv schedule - sans CNN for her.