After a rough couple days over the weekend, baby Isaiah seems to be doing much better. The Gardener met RoRo up at the NICU tonight. TG had not been there for two weeks due to cold/flu like symptons that are finally gone.
Isaiah looked very grown up tonight, all 4 pounds of him! He's off the oscilator and the cpap and now has oxygen in the nose. Many of the IV machines are gone although there are still a few around and baby I still has a feeding tube through the nose and and IV in his head (had a blood transfusion last week). Overall, sweet-sweet and much progress. As TG has said to RoRo all along, he's a miracle baby! Still in the NICU, still a long way to go, but he's made such good progress. He even let out a little coo tonight.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
BAM - Christmas,last indulgence...I promise!
BAM - Other trees....
Yes, there were two other trees and I thought I had pictures of them but cannot find them on the computer. One is a silver tinsel tree that had all red ball ornaments on it. The other was a tree in the kitchen and that tree was a REAL one! It was about 4 feet tall and smelled great for about a week. It had kitcheny ornaments on it; an artichoke, ice cream cone, lemon, pickle, pepper, peach, etc. It also had candy canes and purple ball ornaments and was topped with a
glittery red star. I know I had a picture of it but technical difficulties (cough, cough) have caused me to not be able to locate it. Besides, I think everyone has had enough of the trees, although some of you asked for it!
Not to be outdone by The Gardener, The Golfer offered up his idea of Christmas spirit as seen here.

Not to be outdone by The Gardener, The Golfer offered up his idea of Christmas spirit as seen here.
BAM - Dining Room Tree

Typically this tree is topped with a Waterford crystal tree topper that TG&TG purchased in St. Thomas with money given as a wedding gift from our grandparents (all of whom are now gone). This year The Gardener was too chicken and was worried it would topple so the red spire went on instead and the crystal topper was displayed in the china cabinet with the Nativity.
This tree has all white lights, red and sage green balls, crystal ornaments, some fancy favorites and even an ornament from Aunt Sandy and Uncle Ron that is engraved with 1972.
BAM - Family Room Tree
This is the family room tree which I shall call the polka dot tree. This is t
he tree where we hang all the ornaments collected from our travels as well ones we've treasured throughout the years including ornaments from our alma maters, white balls with lime green polka dots, spiderman, candy canes, snowflakes, soldiers, icicles, etc. It also has a lot of red and white polka dots. Some of the ornaments are from our travels to: Maine, Colorado, Texas, Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Curacao, San Juan, St. Thomas, Aruba, Paris and London. It has white and red lights. Once again, pictures just do not do it justice!

BAM - Snowman Tree
BAM - Sunflower Tree
BAM - Christmas at our home....
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
BAM - Visit from the Desert Dwellers
This is a long overdue post with pics from Thanksgiving weekend. The Desert Dwellers (a.k.a. The Executive Chef and The Candyman) came back to the midwest for a Thanksgiving visit, what fun! November starts the busy time of year for TG&TG and we didn't get as much time with The DDs as we'd hoped, but very much enjoyed the time we had. They split their time between our home and Millie's house.
Another ORDINARY ADVENTURE...The Candyman decided it was time to take his Model T back to the desert. A rented U-haul, a brillant mind, a hill by a skating rink and the The Golfer and The Preacher for doubt it was going to happen!
The roadster leaving The Golfer's house.
The hill, and the strategy.
Testing the two by fours.
The Candyman showing confidence.
He drove the roadster right in!
BAM - Baby Isaiah, Day 26
This was no small feat and required much assistance and machine moving by Nurses Amy and Larry. Isaiah is very sensitive to all movement, except the movement into Mom's arms! He was so content and Dr. Holcomb wants Ro Ro to hold him all the time, said he could hook up a catheter for her. :-)
What a wonderful blessing!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
BAM - The difference of 12 hours.....
11:00 am - 60 degrees with a nice spring breeze.
11:00pm - 11 degrees with a windchill of 18 below.
Kansas baby, Kansas!
11:00pm - 11 degrees with a windchill of 18 below.
Kansas baby, Kansas!
BAM - Busy Season!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
BAM - Introducing Isaiah Brandon
Ro Ro and JJ's baby has a name - Isaiah!
The Gardener took her first trip to the NICU on Friday evening. Little Isaiah had a good, "stable" 24 hours.
The NICU was just as TG thought it would be, including all the tubes and machines baby Isaiah has. The tubes are teeny tiny - straight pin tiny.
Amy was yesterday's nurse and she was busy, busy, busy tending to Isaiah who wiggles and wiggles when he hears Ro Ro's voice. Out would pop a leg, out would pop an arm and then that arm would look like it was going to pull a tube out and Amy would tuck it back in. She did this over and over and over. Amy reminded TG of the very sweet Las Vegas Jane which was comforting.

The Gardener took her first trip to the NICU on Friday evening. Little Isaiah had a good, "stable" 24 hours.
The NICU was just as TG thought it would be, including all the tubes and machines baby Isaiah has. The tubes are teeny tiny - straight pin tiny.
It's still one day at a time on this little guy but as TG has told Ro Ro all along - THIS BABY IS A MIRACLE! He continues to be and still needs your prayers, so keep them coming.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
BAM - Welcome Little Babe
When Ro Ro's doctor said be prepared for an early delivery, he wasn't kidding! Nine weeks early to be exact...
The picture was taken right before Baby Boy was wheeled off to the NICU. The hand with the green bracelet is Ro Ro's. This was her first bonding moment with her new son.
Baby Boy had a procedure to remove fluid from his lungs this morning. There also appears to be some fluid in his head, but no confirmation of that yet.
It's a boy! Baby boy arrived around 3:46am on 11/23/08. The baby is 3 lbs. 15 oz. with a head full of hair. Ro Ro was amazing and she's doing well.
As expected, a team of neonatal specialists was on hand to welcome this little guy into the world and he's currently in the neonatal intensive care unit.
As expected, a team of neonatal specialists was on hand to welcome this little guy into the world and he's currently in the neonatal intensive care unit.
The picture was taken right before Baby Boy was wheeled off to the NICU. The hand with the green bracelet is Ro Ro's. This was her first bonding moment with her new son.

Many thanks to those who have been praying for this family - keep the prayers comin'.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Ro Ro Baby Update
Ro Ro has been going to the specialist weekly since the issues with Little Babe were discovered. Last week, it appears as if the stent was not working at 100% and today's appointment confirmed this. There may be a kink in the tubing or Little Babe might be blocking it, although this does not appear to be the case. The doctor told Ro Ro to be prepared to deliver early! We don't want it to be too early however (fingers crossed), plus, their new house is still under construction!
Thanks to all who are keeping Ro Ro, Little Babe, The Karate Kid and JJ in their prayers.
Thanks to all who are keeping Ro Ro, Little Babe, The Karate Kid and JJ in their prayers.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
BAM - The SOS Call to Sylvie
It's that time of year...TG&TG are both incredibly busy at work plus the holiday season is here! In years past, The Gardener would have all the Christmas shopping done for the "out of towners" wrapped and packed and ready to be shipped the day after Thanksgiving. Plus, all the Christmas cards would also be mailed the day after Thanksgiving. Oh how times have just does not work that way anymore and it's not because there are kids in the house.
The Gardener has been on super-stress overload for the last two weeks and last Tuesday she placed the SOS call to Sylvie. Three days later Sylvie left Coach, The Kyleman and Mistletoe and hit the road driving the 8 hours alone from Texas. She pulled into the driveway in the pitch dark at 8:30pm after writing a hit song (Rebounder - that's all I'm saying) along the way. TG did the dance of joy in the garage - literally.
Sylvie contributed in every way she could from (just to name a few) moving furniture to cleaning closets, from some Christmas shopping to sitting at TG's office and making tabs for file folders, and (of all things) decoupage. Best of all, she coached TG back from the edge of insanity. There's no therapy like Sylvie therapy. And yes, we also managed some retail therapy.
Four days later, just this morning, Sylvie took off back home - mission accomplished. THANK YOU SYLVIE! The Gardener is stable once again and The Golfer is very thankful.
The Gardener has been on super-stress overload for the last two weeks and last Tuesday she placed the SOS call to Sylvie. Three days later Sylvie left Coach, The Kyleman and Mistletoe and hit the road driving the 8 hours alone from Texas. She pulled into the driveway in the pitch dark at 8:30pm after writing a hit song (Rebounder - that's all I'm saying) along the way. TG did the dance of joy in the garage - literally.
Sylvie contributed in every way she could from (just to name a few) moving furniture to cleaning closets, from some Christmas shopping to sitting at TG's office and making tabs for file folders, and (of all things) decoupage. Best of all, she coached TG back from the edge of insanity. There's no therapy like Sylvie therapy. And yes, we also managed some retail therapy.
Four days later, just this morning, Sylvie took off back home - mission accomplished. THANK YOU SYLVIE! The Gardener is stable once again and The Golfer is very thankful.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
BAM - It's Autumn!
TG&TG took the camera out on an evening are some photos.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
BAM - Irresistible Photos!
The Gardener was so excited about the Baby Landon photos; and there were even BONUS photos included in the email....THANKS Lady Rainbow!
Niece McKenna trying out rollerskating!
Niece Emily sharing love with great-nephew Keagan!
BAM - Baby Landon!

Our family has a new member....great-nephew Landon!
Landon is the son of our nephew Kevin. He's Heather and Kevin's first baby and we are so excited for them!
Kevin is our youngest nephew; the one that was in a horrific car accident two years ago and his prognosis was iffy at best. All of the many prayers for Kevin worked and look at all the good that has happened.
This little blessing joins great-nephews Corbin and Keagan, and great-niece Kaylee.

Proud Papa, our nephew Kevin
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
BAM - Ate for Tait
Today The Gardener is having a professional ORDINARY ADVENTURE and finds herself in California. Although The Gardener is not much one for a burger, when in southern Cali one must consider the infamous In-N-Out Burger! In honor of my friend Taiter Tot, TG did indeed indulge in half of a burger and some fries. Only for you Tait, only for you....thus the title Ate for Tait.
It's been a rough week with the passing of Aunt Anna and the whole missing wedding rings debacle (rings have been located). This Gardener is anxious for the weekend and to sleep late in my own bed.
While The Gardener is bringing home the bacon from Cali, The Golfer is prepping for the 20th Annual Guy's Weekend to Vegas. Yes, that was 20. The Golfer will miss the attendance of co-founder Raider Paul this year, but is hoping Mr. Paul can make it next year. Look out people, The Preacher is joining The Golfer and although Millie's Mom and The Gardener have heard the "Haagen Dazs on the Strip" story, we're not sure we're buying it.
It's been a rough week with the passing of Aunt Anna and the whole missing wedding rings debacle (rings have been located). This Gardener is anxious for the weekend and to sleep late in my own bed.
While The Gardener is bringing home the bacon from Cali, The Golfer is prepping for the 20th Annual Guy's Weekend to Vegas. Yes, that was 20. The Golfer will miss the attendance of co-founder Raider Paul this year, but is hoping Mr. Paul can make it next year. Look out people, The Preacher is joining The Golfer and although Millie's Mom and The Gardener have heard the "Haagen Dazs on the Strip" story, we're not sure we're buying it.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
BAM - The Gardener goes Pro!
The Three Piggies (The Gardener, Eb and Gab) stepped out for a little Pro Basketall - yes, the NBA came to town!
This was the first NBA game for The Gardener who is famous for her love of college basketball as well as her college b-ball stalker tendencies. The game was between the Portland Trailblazers including Mr. Shavlick Randolph from Duke and the Atlanta Hawks including Mr. Acie Law from Texas A&M (who kept Eb entertained all evening). Also in the mix.....former Mizzou player Mr. Thomas Gardner! This gave The Gardner a thrill and the old stalker battle cry almost came out.
We were definitely in the minority and learned a few new things. One thing we learned is that if eight cops are looking for a black guy in a black shirt and black pants at an NBA game, they aren't going to find him without more of a description.
The Golfer showed no interest in this event when approached about it several weeks ago; too bad because it was fun! Although The Gardener prefers college ball, she left saying "I could do this every Friday night!"
This was the first NBA game for The Gardener who is famous for her love of college basketball as well as her college b-ball stalker tendencies. The game was between the Portland Trailblazers including Mr. Shavlick Randolph from Duke and the Atlanta Hawks including Mr. Acie Law from Texas A&M (who kept Eb entertained all evening). Also in the mix.....former Mizzou player Mr. Thomas Gardner! This gave The Gardner a thrill and the old stalker battle cry almost came out.
We were definitely in the minority and learned a few new things. One thing we learned is that if eight cops are looking for a black guy in a black shirt and black pants at an NBA game, they aren't going to find him without more of a description.
The Golfer showed no interest in this event when approached about it several weeks ago; too bad because it was fun! Although The Gardener prefers college ball, she left saying "I could do this every Friday night!"
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
BAM - Long Overdue Photos of the Precious Cristina
Here's a photo of The Golfer and Cristina from the McDermott's visit last month. Christina is just so cute!

It was a very busy weekend. In addition to The Teacher and The Gardener making a breast cancer survivor blanket (way to go Teacher - you are winning the battle!), we went to the Children's Farmstead, the WP Art Fair and even went to the Husker fans' local hangout to watch the Huskers play some football.
Uncle Golfer taught Cristina a couple of doozies:
1. Chew and show (nice)
2. Laugh at your Mom when she tells you no
Fortunately by the time they left, Cristina had forgotten both (I think).
Cristina LOVES shoes and will wear anyone's shoes around the house. Slip off a flip flop? She's like a dog going after a bone. She loves all shoes and is pretty good at walking in heels already. Her folks better start saving now because they are going to have a real shoe problem on their hands.
While The Teacher and The Connoisseur went out for "date night" TG&TG finally were able to get Cristina all to ourselves and spoil, spoil, spoil her. What fun! She did not however show much interest in going to bed...we tried!
She's going to be an angel for Halloween...can't wait to see those photos!

Cristina having some lunch and showing great interest in Uncle Golfer's Garmin. Her Daddy really liked it, too. :-)

Prepping for "chew and show".
One day I will post the beuatiful story of Cristina. Yes, this beautiful little girl comes with a beautiful story....her Mom and Dad are LIVING THE DREAM.
It was a very busy weekend. In addition to The Teacher and The Gardener making a breast cancer survivor blanket (way to go Teacher - you are winning the battle!), we went to the Children's Farmstead, the WP Art Fair and even went to the Husker fans' local hangout to watch the Huskers play some football.
Uncle Golfer taught Cristina a couple of doozies:
1. Chew and show (nice)
2. Laugh at your Mom when she tells you no
Fortunately by the time they left, Cristina had forgotten both (I think).
Cristina LOVES shoes and will wear anyone's shoes around the house. Slip off a flip flop? She's like a dog going after a bone. She loves all shoes and is pretty good at walking in heels already. Her folks better start saving now because they are going to have a real shoe problem on their hands.
While The Teacher and The Connoisseur went out for "date night" TG&TG finally were able to get Cristina all to ourselves and spoil, spoil, spoil her. What fun! She did not however show much interest in going to bed...we tried!
She's going to be an angel for Halloween...can't wait to see those photos!
Cristina having some lunch and showing great interest in Uncle Golfer's Garmin. Her Daddy really liked it, too. :-)
Prepping for "chew and show".
One day I will post the beuatiful story of Cristina. Yes, this beautiful little girl comes with a beautiful story....her Mom and Dad are LIVING THE DREAM.
BAM - Ro Ro's Baby - Update
Ro Ro went home today shortly before noon. This morning's ultrasound revealed that Little Babe had not pulled out the stent! All is going well! Keep the prayers coming for Ro Ro, Mr. Ro Ro (aka JJ.....stop laughing Ro), the Karate Kid and Little Babe.
BAM - Oh My...TV Trauma is over!
Tonight the first 42" was packed up for return tomorrow night. The 4th TV was the FINAL TV and The Gardener is no longer laughing, she just wants it to be over.
This is one of those ORDINARY ADVENTURES that went on too long.
This is one of those ORDINARY ADVENTURES that went on too long.
Monday, October 6, 2008
BAM - Travels, Travels and More Travels
Last week The Gardener was in St. Louis on Sunday and Monday, Dodge City on Wednesday through Friday and left Dodge City on Friday for Dallas - time for a visit to Sylvie and family!
Friday night was spent helping Sylvie and Coach prepare for Saturday's fall fundraiser and prep we did. Check out the "before" picture to the left. Yes, we were up past midnight. Saturday was quite successful, almost $4,000 was raised!
The Golfer arrived via airplane on Saturday morning for a quick weekend and offered up great assistance and company during the fundraiser. He also enjoyed Wii with the kids, although he definitely suffered a Wii bowling injury and we're not confident the Wii control works all that great anymore. Perhaps it has something to do with the control hitting the coffee table, then the ceiling, then the tile floor. The good news is - The Golfer's hand isn't broken!
Now, you won't believe these children. I had wanted to post their baby pictures next to their first photos on The Blog but alas, it's 10:15pm and The Gardener still needs to hit the treadmill.
Here's the KyleMAN (in the red shirt) helping load a sold trampoline on to a truck. The emphasis on MAN was intended. This kid is wearing a size 13 shoe!
The Golfer arrived via airplane on Saturday morning for a quick weekend and offered up great assistance and company during the fundraiser. He also enjoyed Wii with the kids, although he definitely suffered a Wii bowling injury and we're not confident the Wii control works all that great anymore. Perhaps it has something to do with the control hitting the coffee table, then the ceiling, then the tile floor. The good news is - The Golfer's hand isn't broken!
Now, you won't believe these children. I had wanted to post their baby pictures next to their first photos on The Blog but alas, it's 10:15pm and The Gardener still needs to hit the treadmill.
After the volleyball game on Saturday night (see info next to Mistletoe's photo) KyleMAN took us through the hallway of his old school to show us the many trophies engraved with his name!KyleMAN has turned into quite the football player and has been recognized often for his great play and sportsmanship as well as his terrific academics. It does not suprise TG&TG that KyleMAN loves football; we recall him at about 12 months old standing in front of our TV on Sunday afternoon, pounding the screen and hollering "football! football!" I even have a photo of that somewhere......
TG&TG were lucky enough to get to see Mistletoe in action during a rec volleyball game on Saturday! The school volleyball season is over and it's on to rec volleyball which Mistletoe really enjoys and she's good at it. She was also kind enough to give up her bedroom for us - mucho appreciation, Toe!
Mistletoe has matured a lot since last September when Sylvie and The Gardener took her to the Mall of America. One thing about Mistletoe that won't ever change.....she's a shopper!
Sunday morning at 10am came too soon as TG&TG hit the road. As we turned off their streeet, The Golfer said "that was a great time!" and he's right, it was! It was a very short trip and sometimes those end up being the best. A mere 7.5 hours later when we were 30 minutes from home, The Gardner said "That was a quick trip home!" and The Golfer replied "Of course it was, you slept all of it but 2 hours!". Thanks to The Golfer (aka my hero) for driving me home after I'd driven/ridden many, many miles that week. And to Sylvie and family...we'll see you again soon! Miss you all!
BAM - Ro Ro's Baby
The Gardener's friend Ro Ro is having a baby (due in January) and lo and behold, this precious bundle is wanting to cause a little panic for everyone prior to its actual arrival.
Because Mr. Ro Ro travels quite a bit for his job, The Gardener has been known to go to appointments as the "pseudo spouse" and therefore knows a lot of detail. Instead of going on and on and on about this Little Babe and its troubles, The Gardener will instead provide a Reader's Digest version.
MODERN MEDICINE IS AMAZING! Today Little Babe (still in utero) had surgery! The doctor believes the surgery was successful and tomorrow morning we'll know more when an ultra sound is done. Hopefully Little Babe will not pull out the stent that was placed in today.
Ro Ro was feeling very well when The Gardener delivered the Jack's Stack baked beans tonight (one of Ro Ro's favorites). The Karate Kid (4 yrs. old) was also at the hospital and a cute picture was snapped of Mom and son having a chat. No, The Gardener doesn't normally have her camera at the hospital when visiting after was still in her purse from the trip to Dallas! for a Dallas post soon.
Because Mr. Ro Ro travels quite a bit for his job, The Gardener has been known to go to appointments as the "pseudo spouse" and therefore knows a lot of detail. Instead of going on and on and on about this Little Babe and its troubles, The Gardener will instead provide a Reader's Digest version.
MODERN MEDICINE IS AMAZING! Today Little Babe (still in utero) had surgery! The doctor believes the surgery was successful and tomorrow morning we'll know more when an ultra sound is done. Hopefully Little Babe will not pull out the stent that was placed in today.
Ro Ro was feeling very well when The Gardener delivered the Jack's Stack baked beans tonight (one of Ro Ro's favorites). The Karate Kid (4 yrs. old) was also at the hospital and a cute picture was snapped of Mom and son having a chat. No, The Gardener doesn't normally have her camera at the hospital when visiting after was still in her purse from the trip to Dallas! for a Dallas post soon.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Oh my...TV Trauma - Part 4
When The Gardener returned from St. Louis on Monday night, The Golfer said "let's load this baby up" and off he went to return the "46" of plasma love". Woo hoo - TV Trauma is over! Not exactly...
The Golfer was gone and gone and gone and after hour 2, The Gardener grew suspicious. When the Golfer eventually returned, he did not disappoint. He showed up with another 42" option.
Tuesday evening we'll be hooking up TV #4. Any trauma remaining will be experienced by The Golfer as The Gardener isn't a big TV watcher anyway and now that the 42" has been determined, she has no opinion (I know, hard to believe) on which option remains.
Just an on-going ORDINARY ADVENTURE.
The Golfer was gone and gone and gone and after hour 2, The Gardener grew suspicious. When the Golfer eventually returned, he did not disappoint. He showed up with another 42" option.
Tuesday evening we'll be hooking up TV #4. Any trauma remaining will be experienced by The Golfer as The Gardener isn't a big TV watcher anyway and now that the 42" has been determined, she has no opinion (I know, hard to believe) on which option remains.
Just an on-going ORDINARY ADVENTURE.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
BAM - A Beautiful Day to Garden
Saturday was an amazing day! The morning was spent buying 400 flower bulbs for the yard (just a start!). While The Biker and The Ironman were at the races (see next post), The Gardener and The Golfer were with Miss Millie (who was visiting) in the backyard enjoying the 80+ degree weather. It was a gorgeous day and The Gardener was tickled to be living the dream. I'd finished planting some fall pansies and cabbage when Fran from two doors down came over. Fran and Wally are having major basement work done starting Monday (sounds familiar) and had dug up all of their landscaping around their home. She had plants to give me if I wanted them. Of course I did! It was a great thing that Landscaper John had been over the week before to cut more flower beds. We now have new purple Rose of Sharon, red Bee Balm, some yellow things we don't know the name of and more Black Eyed Susans. I also got the Peony planted that had been at Mom and Dad's and prior to that at Mo and Po''s been in a pot for year and loves its new spot.
All in all, a wonderful day except for a little bit of grumpy from The Golfer who was not on the course and does NOT enjoy gardening...he offered a little bit of a helping hand. THANK YOU Golfer for painting and putting up the "birdie condo".
All in all, a wonderful day except for a little bit of grumpy from The Golfer who was not on the course and does NOT enjoy gardening...he offered a little bit of a helping hand. THANK YOU Golfer for painting and putting up the "birdie condo".
BAM - Car Races
The Biker and The Ironman came to town for the Nascar race this weekend. It's always great to see them and a big CONGRATULATIONS to The Biker for going from couch to 40 miles in record time! Very impressive!
Courtesy of their experiece, here are things learned about racing:
1. There are no cockpits at the race.
2. If anyone says "shut your door lady" more than once, you better shut it.
3. Double-check your shoes for TP after existing the port-a-potty.
4. Just because you can wear a black and white checkered halter top doesn't mean you should.
5. If The Biker says "turn around and go that way" do it. She knows a short cut when she sees it. The Ironman was smart - he took her short cut!
I think there may have been another one but I don't remember it. Always great to see The Biker and The Ironman. We missed The Princess and hope to see her next time.
Courtesy of their experiece, here are things learned about racing:
1. There are no cockpits at the race.
2. If anyone says "shut your door lady" more than once, you better shut it.
3. Double-check your shoes for TP after existing the port-a-potty.
4. Just because you can wear a black and white checkered halter top doesn't mean you should.
5. If The Biker says "turn around and go that way" do it. She knows a short cut when she sees it. The Ironman was smart - he took her short cut!
I think there may have been another one but I don't remember it. Always great to see The Biker and The Ironman. We missed The Princess and hope to see her next time.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Oh my...TV Trauma, Part 3
Still debating the 46"....the picture is better. How long can this trauma go on? As long as we let it I guess.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Oh My...TV Trauma - Part 2
The magic number is indeed 42! The Golfer will be returning to the Man Den for NFL!
The Golfer came home after work with "42" of plasma love". While The Gardener cooked dinner, The Golfer set things up and BAM! It's the right one! We are a little sad to see the "46" of plasma love" leave our home - we have really enjoyed it (but not enough to name it). TV Trauma is over....just another ORDINARY ADVENTURE filled with laughs. Okay, it wasn't always funny, but mostly it was.
As for dinner...The Gardener whipped up one of her regular dishes: whole wheat, organic pasta with vegetables. Yes, The Golfer ate it sans cheese and pine nuts. The Gardener also picked out the mushrooms for him. He did eat the spinach! He also smothered it in Ragu. I know some of you are quite surprised that The Golfer would eat a vegetarian meal. He's also moved to organic milk but he won't enjoy my strawberry and spinach smoothies, yet.
The Golfer came home after work with "42" of plasma love". While The Gardener cooked dinner, The Golfer set things up and BAM! It's the right one! We are a little sad to see the "46" of plasma love" leave our home - we have really enjoyed it (but not enough to name it). TV Trauma is over....just another ORDINARY ADVENTURE filled with laughs. Okay, it wasn't always funny, but mostly it was.
As for dinner...The Gardener whipped up one of her regular dishes: whole wheat, organic pasta with vegetables. Yes, The Golfer ate it sans cheese and pine nuts. The Gardener also picked out the mushrooms for him. He did eat the spinach! He also smothered it in Ragu. I know some of you are quite surprised that The Golfer would eat a vegetarian meal. He's also moved to organic milk but he won't enjoy my strawberry and spinach smoothies, yet.
Monday, September 22, 2008
BAM - Good News!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
BAM - Oh my....TV Trauma
Last weekend The Golfer and The Gardener decided it was time for a new home purchase - an HDTV for the family room upstairs. We moved the family room armoire and its contents up to the master bedroom (killer on the back) then off we went and home we came with what Mason, Memphis and Lilah's Dad would call "46 inches of plasma love".
This purchase has created some trauma in our household. First of all, The Golfer no longer wants to hang out in the Man Den (gasp!) with his "52" of Sony love" anymore. Secondly, The Gardner is having trouble adjusting to the black abyss that now adorns the mantle in the family room.
In an effort to eliminate the trauma, after a morning round of 18 today The Golfer went in search of a little less love (37"). Out of the box, up on the mantle, no-can-do. We now believe the magic number may be 42.
Just another hysterical ORDINARY ADVENTURE. In the meantime, we have 6 TVs in a household of 2 people which makes no sense at all!
This purchase has created some trauma in our household. First of all, The Golfer no longer wants to hang out in the Man Den (gasp!) with his "52" of Sony love" anymore. Secondly, The Gardner is having trouble adjusting to the black abyss that now adorns the mantle in the family room.
In an effort to eliminate the trauma, after a morning round of 18 today The Golfer went in search of a little less love (37"). Out of the box, up on the mantle, no-can-do. We now believe the magic number may be 42.
Just another hysterical ORDINARY ADVENTURE. In the meantime, we have 6 TVs in a household of 2 people which makes no sense at all!
BAM - The Golfer and The Hulk
In addition to golf accessories and music, I wanted something a little fun and unexpected for him to open - something that would really surprise him. Thus, The Incredible Hulk! He was indeed surprised and thought it a little weird, but now he's just having fun with it. Mostly Hulk stays down in The Golfer's "Man Den" although sometimes he makes it upstairs to surprise The Gardener. One morn when I came down to get coffee early, before I was really awake, I turned around and saw a man in the family room - scared me! It was The Hulk who had made his way upstairs. After my heart was beating at a normal pace again, all I could do was laugh. Is it possible The Gardener will regret the addition of The Hulk to the household? Possibly, but it is pretty funny when The Hulk is standing behind the bar in the Man Den.
There is indeed a photo of The Golfer flexing next to The Hulk. Maybe I'll post that one another time.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
BAM - The First People Photos
Okay, it's time for a post with people pictures! I have a terrific photo of The Golfer and the Incredible Hulk from the golfer's birthday, but don't have the pictures transferred to the computer yet (stay tuned for the story on that one, and the picture).
In lieu of not having the Hulk photo on the computer yet, or the pics of baby Cristina from the McDermott's visit two weekends ago, the first people pictures are flashback photos from my ultimate girls' trip to Paris and London in January with Sylvie. We had a ball......laughed and laughed and laughed....and Sylvie practiced her high school French. Thanks Sylvie for a wonderful time!
The Gardener and Sylive in London by the London Eye
(with Big Ben in the background)
In Paris at the top of the Arc de triomphe on a very windy day
In lieu of not having the Hulk photo on the computer yet, or the pics of baby Cristina from the McDermott's visit two weekends ago, the first people pictures are flashback photos from my ultimate girls' trip to Paris and London in January with Sylvie. We had a ball......laughed and laughed and laughed....and Sylvie practiced her high school French. Thanks Sylvie for a wonderful time!
The Gardener and Sylive in London by the London Eye
(with Big Ben in the background)
In Paris at the top of the Arc de triomphe on a very windy day
BAM - Furry Friends.....
After the loss in early June of our beloved Grandpa Dog JMF, we were lonely for some furry company. We were very excited when UR came down during the annual Triathlon weekend in July and he brought the very energetic and lovable Zoe with him! Zoe made us laugh and laugh as she ran circles in our yard with her boundless energy. JMF was 17.5 years old and we'd forgotten what it was like to have a pup around. We sure enjoyed having both UR and Zoe and the rest of the gang, too! The Preacher and his Wife brought over Miss Millie one afternoon and Zoe wore her out.
Zoe (brown) and Miss Mille (brown and white)

Zoe...enjoying a cold one

Miss Millie...resting after play
Zoe (brown) and Miss Mille (brown and white)
Zoe...enjoying a cold one
Miss Millie...resting after play
BAM - Four, Four, Four, Four
The Gardener was just tagged with a Four, Four, Four, Four goes!
Four places that I go: Work, Costco, Whole Foods, The Arboretum and Botanical Gardens
Four people who e-mail me: Sylvie, Eb, Mrs. Laney, Mom and Dad
Four of my favorite places to eat: Jun's (sushi), Kanki (in Raleigh), Garozzo's (Italian), Cactus Grill
Four places I would rather be right now? Paris, Hawaii, asleep (check out the time of this posting), at a cabin in Colorado (see next post!)
Four TV shows I watch: Good Morning America, Divine Design, CNN (whatever is on), John and Kate Plus Eight
Four places that I go: Work, Costco, Whole Foods, The Arboretum and Botanical Gardens
Four people who e-mail me: Sylvie, Eb, Mrs. Laney, Mom and Dad
Four of my favorite places to eat: Jun's (sushi), Kanki (in Raleigh), Garozzo's (Italian), Cactus Grill
Four places I would rather be right now? Paris, Hawaii, asleep (check out the time of this posting), at a cabin in Colorado (see next post!)
Four TV shows I watch: Good Morning America, Divine Design, CNN (whatever is on), John and Kate Plus Eight
BAM - Living the Dream!
Those that know me (The Gardener) well, know that I get very excited when I know someone or meet someone who is living their dream!
A long-time friend is living their dream of building a fabulous cabin waaaay up in the mountains of Colorado; quite a secluded spot. I had to post a couple of pics because the views are going to be INCREDIBLE. In the picture without the trucks, check out the upper left, do you see that snow covered mountain? It is behind that large, tall pine toward the upper left corner of the cabin. If you can't see it, click on the picture to enlarge. WOW - what views!!!
The Gardener and The Golfer very much look forward to visiting. Congratulations to The Mountaineer for Living the Dream!

A long-time friend is living their dream of building a fabulous cabin waaaay up in the mountains of Colorado; quite a secluded spot. I had to post a couple of pics because the views are going to be INCREDIBLE. In the picture without the trucks, check out the upper left, do you see that snow covered mountain? It is behind that large, tall pine toward the upper left corner of the cabin. If you can't see it, click on the picture to enlarge. WOW - what views!!!
The Gardener and The Golfer very much look forward to visiting. Congratulations to The Mountaineer for Living the Dream!

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